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Students conducting research at Itasca

Spring 2023 BIO

Nature of Life turns 20, groundbreaking discoveries and more!

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As a mycologist, Jonathan Schilling’s research often involves long walks in the woods incidentally resulting…
In the early morning darkness, fighting erupts in the dense rainforest canopy at the Kokolopori Bonobo…
The 1.4 million lakes that grace the surface of our planet provide bountiful benefits to just about every…
Watching family members struggle with substance use disorders left a deep imprint on Madelyn Blake. Early on…
Tseganesh Selameab (B.S. Microbiology, ’99; M.D. ’04) loves the Minnesota State Fair. During the sultry days…
Cardenas stands in front of a receding glacier on the extinct Cayambe volcano in Ecuador. According to…
Nothing says “thank you” to a biology professor quite like being awarded a colorful lab coat hand-dyed by…
Qianna Xu knew she would fall in love with the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) when she…
Near the end of every school year, the University of Minnesota hosts a University-wide Undergraduate Research…