

Emeritus faculty
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior

Research interests: Ecology and biogeochemistry of wetlands; chemistry of atmospheric precipitation,lake waters and sediments; history of ecology and biogeochemistry.

Links to Dr. Gorham's publications.

  • A small database in RefWorks that contains the references for all 218 of Dr. Gorham's publications, with links to the full text if it is available anywhere. It is at http://z.umn.edu/gorham
  • A section of the U Digital Conservancy (UDC) which contains the full text of 119 of Dr. Gorham's 218 publications. It also links to the full list in RefWorks, noted above, so linking to this page would in essence cover both resources. It is at http://hdl.handle.net/11299/101527

Research interests: Ecology and biogeochemistry of wetlands; chemistry of atmospheric precipitation,lake waters and sediments; history of ecology and biogeochemistry.

Links to Dr. Gorham's publications.

  • A small database in RefWorks that contains the references for all 218 of Dr. Gorham's publications, with links to the full text if it is available anywhere. It is at http://z.umn.edu/gorham
  • A section of the U Digital Conservancy (UDC) which contains the full text of 119 of Dr. Gorham's 218 publications. It also links to the full list in RefWorks, noted above, so linking to this page would in essence cover both resources. It is at http://hdl.handle.net/11299/101527