What is inclusion asking of you?

A large part of being inclusive is understanding we all have different lived experiences. It is also understanding, we may share identities and that does not mean we experience a moment the same and we do not require the same things to feel like we belong.

Inclusion is asking you to:

  1. Make space for genuine authenticity 
  2. Create spaces of comfortable
  3. Be empathic and compassionate
  4. Care and respect a stranger, friend, neighbor, and family member
  5. Think about the biases you hold and how to unlearn those biases

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Navigating professionalism & identity

For individuals who have grown up in the United States (and other white-majority and western cultures) there is an unavoidable socialization the characteristics and values of the white dominant culture. Some common characteristics of our dominant culture include:

  • Fear - Regularly being driven by and operating from a place of fear.
  • One Right Way - Believing there is one right way to do things and there is an objective "perfect" that is both attainable and desirable.
  • Binary Thinking - Reducing the complexity of life and nuance of our relationships into either/or thinking.
  • Denial & Defensiveness - Distancing oneself from their role in perpetuating these norms.
  • Individualism - Denial of interdependence and expectation to make it on your own, without help.
  • Quantity Over Quality - Assuming that the goal is always for quantifiably more or bigger.
  • Worship of the Written Word - Devaluing information that is communicated in ways other than writing.
  • Urgency - Applying a sense of urgency to all aspects of life.

These characteristics and values are often internalized by every individual and shape our society as a whole and how individuals are perceived or valued within our society. One space where this clearly shows up is within the context of "professionalism" and expectations related to related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness. Professionalism is then used as a tool for bias and exclusion of individuals within the workplace.

Utilizing the worksheet below, take some time to reflect on how these characteristics show up in your own life and views on professionalism, how you have seen them within the CBS community, and how you want to intentionally navigate these norms in your future career.

Reflection questions

Diversity and inclusivity in science (Simply Science podcast)

Scientists make discoveries by building on previous discoveries made by scientists before them. But what happens when the next generation of scientists is not an accurate representation of the population? 

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PODCAST: Collaborative strategies for inclusive change

Hosted by the National Science Foundation, this podcast includes conversations with guests that highlight projects and partnerships that are shifting inequitable systems in order to improve accessibility and inclusivity in STEM education and careers.

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ARTICLE: Responding to microagressions

Microaggressions are inevitable, but when they arise it is important to be able to identify them and address them in order to foster an inclusive space for all members of our community. This article provides detailed information and tools to do just that.

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