Actions to Complete NOW
Complete Install Zoom on Computer section of Remote Teaching. You may have required privacy training that will delay creation of your Zoom account.
Action to Complete Soon
Please begin reviewing your syllabus for course components that cannot be done online. Where these exist, consider these options:
- Reorder course modules to delay these components till later in the semester.
- Consider alternative methods for teaching the concepts or placing emphasis on the analysis of provided results, rather than performing the activity.
- If no alternatives exist, use this form to notify the college what cannot be taught. This will help in determining what is needed for students to continue to receive credit for the course.
Zoom-Canvas Training
To help get everyone comfortable presenting with Zoom, CBS-RLT will be holding 1 hour training and Q&A. These will focus on introducing available resources, adding Zoom to Canvas, scheduling Zoom-based classes, testing your equipment, and running a Zoom lecture.
Online (via Zoom)
- March 11 - 3pm. Snyder 223
- March 12 - 1pm, 2pm, 3pm. Snyder 223 and MCB 4-130
- March 13 - 9am, 10am, 2pm, 3pm. Snyder 223 and MCB 4-130
- March 16 - 9am, 10am, 2pm, 3pm. Snyder 223 and MCB 4-130
- March 17 - 9am, 10am, 2pm, 3pm. Snyder 223 and MCB 4-130
Support and Questions
Due to the expected rapid increase in requests, please email, rather than directly contacting Kalli or Evan.