Undergraduate students

CBS launches biotechnology minor

Students can gain critical skills and experience in this growing field of biology.

2023-24 Astronaut Scholarship recipients

Two CBS students, Madelyn Blake and Roj Cosiquien, have been awarded scholarships by the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation.

Nature of Life turns 20

For two decades, students have found community and forged their science identity through a one-of-a-kind program.

A team player

Emphasis on teamwork helped make Idil Abdi a better communicator and boosted her confidence as a scientist.

Transitioning from undergrad to alum

Every transition in life brings up big feelings. For some people they are ones of excitement, happiness or eagerness to move on to something new. For others, they are a little less positive.

Pre-Health Drop-In Hours

Drop by to chat with a CBS Career Coach

CBS Employer Engagement Week

A week for students interested in learning more about different industries and career pathways as well as advice for the job application process.

Hot, Dry, and Burning

Biochemistry undergraduate Amital Shaver spent the summer in Alaska learning to fight wildfires with an all-female crew.

Sharing his love of science

Chino Nwakama is creating opportunities for historically marginalized and low-income students to connect with science.

2023-24 CBS Pre-Health Prep Series

A programming series specifically for CBS pre-health students.