New and Exciting


Exciting Times in the Cotner Lab! Congratulations to Hillary Barron on her new position as an Assistant Professor at Bemidji State University, and to Ngawang Gonsar for successfully defending her PhD thesis and accepting a new position at Normandale Community College. Nice work, Drs Barron and Gonsar!

Read about Cotner Lab contributions to a Special Issue of Ecology and Evolution: Taking Learning Online in Ecology and Evolution


Cornell, UMN collaboration featured in the Cornell Chronicle

Azariah and Maggie lead efforts on a paper in JMBE

Work by Lori Patrick and Seth Thompson, plus international collaborators, published in the ESA Bulletin 

Cotner and an international group of scientists document their experiences being #stuckinperu during COVID19 

EDU-STEM launches with a new website


Cotner lab spearheads a multi-institution study on gender-biased in-class participation

#therealcotnerlab is collaborating on an exciting curriculum-redesign project with colleagues at the University of Norway

Lori Patrick, Sehoya Cotner, and colleagues publish a story in the Svalbard Posten, the world's northern-most newspaper

Sehoya Cotner is a collaborator on an article about evolution education in Nature Ecology and Evolution


Cotner lab receives an Institute on the Environment Mini-Grant for "Training the Next Generation of Researchers to Solve Problems Across Scale"

Cotner & Ballen featured in NatureJobs blog

Cotner lab spearheads multi-authored work on class sizes in BioScience

Cotner lab highlighted in Science Editor's Choice

Small group gender ratios impact biology class performance and peer evaluation

Politics a “Chilly” Environment for Undergraduate Women in Norway

MN daily article on the impacts of PAWS on test anxiety


Cotner and Ballen have a new paper on mixed assessment methods in PLoS One

Research and Educational Partnership in Climate Change Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems (RECITE) received funding!

Deena Wassenberg, JD Walker, and S Cotner's new paper featured in the MN Daily

JD Walker, Deena Wassenberg, and Sehoya Cotner have a new paper in JCST

Cotner, Clay Mazur, Tiffany Galush, and Randy Moore have a new paper--on perspectives of evolution in Galápagos--in Evolution: Education and Outreach

Ballen, Shima Salehi, and Cotner have a new paper--on STEM equity--in PLOS ONE

S Cotner and Julie Brown (CEHD) Receive NSF-IUSE funding to student a new TA training initiative

S Cotner and C Ballen receive NSF-RCN funding for "Equity and Diversity in Undergraduate STEM (EDU-STEM)"

Cotner and Ballen featured in CBS summer publication of BIO

Sehoya Cotner has new piece published in CourseSource

The Cotner Lab presents its work at MNT-Conference in Oslo

Cotner and Ballen published in Life Sciences Education

Andamio Games Receives $728K NSF Grant to Develop New Learning Technology

Cotner featured on 'Explore with Sven'

Cissy Ballen published in Bioscience


Cotner receives national award!