Programs abroad for CBS students

The College of Biological Sciences offers students many opportunities of varying lengths to study abroad. We've identified some programs of interest for students to continue their hands-on learning in a new location. 

Short-term programs

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Short-term programs

Spring Break

CHEM 1917: Sustainability & Green Chemistry in Guatemala
Explore the development of new sustainability technologies, such as green chemistry, and the role these developments play in fighting climate change in Guatemala. (3 credits)
Program leaders: Edgar Arriaga

AHS 3004: Health in Ecuador: History, Environment, & Culture
Learn about the intersection between human health and the environment by studying the history of health and culture in Ecuador. (3 credits)
Program leaders: Fred Williams & Karin Hamilton

Winter Break

BIOL 3XXX: Ecosystems & Ecotourism in Belize
Understand the effects of tourism on the environment and ecosystems by participating in conservation efforts and learning about sustainability from local leaders in Belize. (3 credits)
Program leaders: Rachel Olson and Micaela Haas

AHS 3002: Global Health in Thailand
In Chiang Mai, examine the relationship between humans, animals, and environmental health through the One Health approach. (3 credits)
Program leaders: Karin Hamilton & Jeffrey Ratliff-Crain

May Term

AHS 3003: Sustainable Approaches to Health in France
Explore innovative health care and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals in Montpellier. (3 credits)
Program leaders: Dana Lovold

AHS 3005: Modern Medicine through History in Greece
Explore the role history plays in shaping modern medicine through the cultural and historical context of Greece. (3 credits)
Program leaders: Tricia Todd & Karin Hamilton

BIOL 3905: Beyond the Nobel Prize: Innovation in Sweden
Examine innovation across a variety of disciplines and consider how solutions to society's problems require creativity and collaboration. (3 credits)
CBS program leader: Nikki Letawsky Shultz

HSEM 3243: The Evolution of Care and Belonging in the United Kingdom
Explore how care can create a more just and inclusive society in London and Edinburgh. (3 credits)
Program leader: Matthew Reznicek


Summer in Scotland: Research Track
Spend six weeks conducting research in the following subjects: Life Sciences, Chemistry, Psychology. (6 credits)

Summer in Sicily: Marine & Coastal Ecology
Spend your summer in Siracusa, Sicily studying human rights and migration, international law, and marine biology and ecology. Participate in a research project with a local organization. (4 credits)

Summer in Denmark & Sweden
Explore one or both countries and choose from a range of disciplines. Tracks in Medical Practice and Policy, Biomedicine, Neuroscience, and Public Health.

IES Abroad South Africa: Health Studies
Live in Cape Town and experience the complex socio-economic health care challenges of a multi-cultural developing country with great disparities. (6 credits)

IES Chile
The Health Studies Summer program in Santiago offers practical and direct experience through an observational clinical internship.

School for Field Studies Summer Courses
Australia: Marsupials of Australia
Cambodia: Elephants of SE Asia
Kenya: Elephants of the African Savanna
Panama: Tropical Island Ecosystems
Turks & Caicos Islands: Fundamentals of Marine Conservation
Turks & Caicos Islands: Marine Fauna
Tanzania: African Large Carnivores: Ecology and Conservation

Semester programs

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Semester programs

Africa & The Middle East

ISEP: University of Botswana

ISEP: University of Ghana
Gain hands-on volunteer experiences and make an impact in local communities while studying and taking in the beaches, greenery, and waterfalls of this stunning country.

IES Abroad: University of Cape Town

School for Field Studies Tanzania: Wildlife Management Studies
Explore the iconic landscapes of Tanzania. Meet the country's charismatic wildlife – from magnificent lions and elephants to thunderous herds of wildebeest and zebras – as you learn about their ecology and behavior. 

School for Field Studies Kenya: Endangered Species
Study diverse wildlife and engage in hands-on conservation research in the world-famous national parks and stunning landscapes of Kenya and Rwanda. 


University Study in the United Kingdom: Queen Mary University of London

IFSA: London Biosciences Career Accelerator
Home of a flourishing biotech and life science industry, London is the ideal place to get to know your options and draw fresh inspiration. Gain skills to help you thrive in a multinational environment. 

IFSA: University of Edinburgh

University Study in the United Kingdom: University of Glasgow

University Study in Ireland: University College Dublin
Science & Engineering track

Cross-Cultural Health in Spain
This program is geared toward students in health fields who already have a background in Spanish and are interested in studying a cross-cultural view of health care.

Psychology & Research in Madrid
Have the opportunity to be involved in psychological research taking place in a laboratory, institute, medical facility or community setting.

Exchange in Norway: University of Bergen

Exchange in Norway: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

DIS: Study Abroad in Sweden
Tracks in Medical Practice & Policy, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Public Health

DIS: Study Abroad in Denmark
Tracks in Biomedicine, Environmental Science, Medical Practice & Policy, Neuroscience, Psychology, Public Health, and Sustainability


IES Abroad Galápagos Islands
Study the evolution of Ecuador’s unique species with hands-on experiences studying biology, ecology, environmental studies, marine ecology, and sociology.

School for Field Studies Panama: Tropical Island Diversity Studies
Examine the natural and human systems of the island, as well as the relationships between these systems and the pressure points that threaten the delicate balance of these systems.

School for Field Studies Costa Rica: Ecological Resilience Studies
Explore Costa Rica’s many diverse parks, farms, and reserves to learn how Costa Ricans have balanced conservation and development issues. Wrap up the semester in the field, collecting data for a research project that will help inform future sustainability efforts.

School for Field Studies Turks & Caicos Islands: Marine Resource Studies
Marine ecosystems remain largely untouched by tourism and development here. Conduct research on coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and mangroves. Evaluate fisheries resources and policies while collecting data that helps community members balance their rights and needs with conservation goals. 

Asia & Oceania

IFSA Australia: James Cook University (Townsville and Cairns options)

University Study in Australia: University of Sydney
Study at one of Australia’s leading research universities. Students can participate in a credit-bearing research project or internship placement, matched with local faculty who are experts in their fields. 

School for Field Studies Australia: Tropical Rainforest Studies
Contribute to research examining critical local and regional environmental losses and fragmentation of rainforests. Study environmental policies that are currently under consideration.

University Study in New Zealand: University of Auckland

University Study in South Korea: Korea University

School for Field Studies Bhutan: Himalayan Environment and Society in Transition
Explore the challenges of protecting biodiversity and maintaining traditional rural lifestyles in this time of transition. Study conservation and environmental issues firsthand in a country where change is on the horizon.