Faculty Sabbatical Leaves

Timeline and application process for sabbatical leaves

Questions regarding sabbatical and other faculty development leaves should be directed to the Associate Dean for Faculty (gralnick@umn.edu)

The College strongly encourages faculty to take advantage of the professional development opportunities that sabbaticals allow. These leaves enable faculty to acquire new skills and knowledge, as well as to enhance communication of knowledge to students and society. As a result, they benefit the individual, the students and the University of Minnesota, the citizens of the state and all who are affected by the research, teaching, creative activity and service mission of the University.

Sabbatical leaves


Sabbatical leaves for tenured and contract faculty are awarded on the basis of years of service and review within the department and college, subject to approval by the dean. Tenured faculty members are entitled to a sabbatical leave of up to one year after six academic years of service.


A complete application for sabbatical leave in the College of Biological Sciences (CBS) includes:

Requests due in the CBS Dean's Office

February 10, 2025; decision within approximately four weeks.

Please email your complete application to the Associate Dean for Faculty (gralnick@umn.edu)

Reporting Requirement Following a Sabbatical:

Faculty members must file with their department and college a summary report of their activities while on leave. The report is to be submitted in Works, the University’s faculty activity reporting system (works.umn.edu), on the first annual activity report after returning to service.

  • Log in to Works following the link above
  • Select ‘Leaves and Sabbaticals’ in the first section on this page ‘Annual Reporting and Professional Development’
  • Select ‘add new’ and fill out the requested info (this should only take a few minutes of your time)

Additional information related to faculty development leaves can be found here