- CBS-UM Student Learning Outcomes
- Undergraduate majors
- Undergraduate minors
- Freshman seminars and Call for proposals
Teaching with writing and writing-intensive courses
New course development
- Syllabus requirements (UM policy)
- Syllabus tutorial Nine-part tutorial includes topics such as "What is an effective syllabus," "Expectations," "Grading," etc.
- Course numbering and credits
- Ordering books
- What you can do to lower textbook costs
New course approval
- How to propose a new course for approval in CBS
- Course proposal instructions
- Course proposal form
- Liberal education certification
How to propose courses for LE designation with links to additional information concerning liberal education. Consult with Leslie Schiff ( | 612-624-9933). - WI approval process
Consult with Leslie Schiff ( | 612-624-9933)
Course scheduling
- Course scheduling policies
Standard class meeting times, meeting patterns, required contact hours per credit, etc. To add an approved course to the Class Schedule, contact your department scheduler for assistance. - Course scheduling budget calculator
Course management and delivery
CBS Instructional Design, Moodle and iClicker Support - Kalli Binkowski ( | 612-624-0641)
Additional Moodle support
CBS course guide
Please contact Lance Janssen ( to update course listings in ClassInfo.
Academic integrity: Student Conduct Code, suspected cheating, plagiarism, scholastic dishonesty report
- Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
- What to do when you suspect or encounter scholastic dishonesty
- Classroom conduct procedures and policy
CBS policy, procedures and resources
- College policy on faculty teaching load
- Policy for low enrollment
- Waitlist guidelines
- Agreement for incomplete work
- IDL policy for CBS resident students
- UM academic calendar
Beginning/end of semester, registration, final exams - UM calendar of events
- CBS calendar of important dates
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
- Center for Teaching and Learning website
- Subscribe to the Teaching Tips listserv (brief, evidence-based teaching tips each week)
- TILT: Techniques in Learning and Teaching blog
Teaching resources (sample topics)
- Just in time teaching tips: handling early, mid and late semester issues
- Active learning
- TA teaching resources
Workshops (sample topics)
- August teaching enrichment series
- Navigating U.S. academic culture
Self-paced tutorials (sample topics)
- Active learning with PowerPoint
- Designing smart lectures
- Syllabus development
- Scences from a classroom: Managing conflict
University Libraries