Seed-to-Root research fellowship program
Panorama of Lake Itasca from the Missippippi headwaters monument

Itasca Station provides research funding opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students through its own "Seed-to-Root" program.

Short-term 'seed' grants are a good way to spark science. They facilitate preliminary, higher risk efforts focused in up-and-coming creative spaces (e.g., techniques, emerging theory). Field stations, however, focus on places with particular qualities amenable to sustaining longer-term research. Itasca Station has hosted place-based field biology since 1909, and is uniquely suited for teaching and engagement. With this in mind, Seed-to-Root grants target new investments at IBSL, combining funding, support, and flexibility to encourage science to take root. 

Apply for research funding

All Seed-to Root applications require a letter of support from the applicant's relevant advisor. Advisors must submit their letter of support through the following portal the application deadline.

Submit letter of support

Deadline for both application and support letter is Monday, February 24, 2025.

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Research Awards

Our research awards are provided by a generous community of donors who value the scientific research and experiences that are available at Itasca Station. Individual awards distributed through the Seed-to-Root program are:

  • Itasca Graduate Research Fellowship
  • John Tester Itasca Research Fellowship
  • Jim Winter Itasca Scholarship

To contribute to a research fellowship fund, please see our Support Itasca page.