Current Rates
CabinCBS/Research AffiliatesNon-CBS UMNNon-UMN External
Station usage fee$5/person/day$5/person/day**$5/person/day**
Studio Cabin (9, 71, 72)$45/night$50/night$75/night
1-bedroom Cabin (5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 52)$60/night$70/night$110/night
2- or 3-bedroom Cabin (1, 2R, 2L, 3, 11, 12, 13, 51)$70/night$80/night$125/night
4-bedroom Cabin (70)$100/night$120/night$170/night
Bunkhouse Cabin$60/night$70/night$100/night
Assembly Hall, Tester Hub$50/day$60/day$100/day
Biome Center Seminar Room$100/day$120/day$200/day
Coffee, Tea, & Snacks*$5.00/person/day$5.00/person/day$5.00/person/day
Full Day Meals (3-meals, typical weekday)$42.00/person/day$45.00/person/day$50.00/person/day
Full Day Meals (2-meals, typcial weekend)$35.00/person/day$37.00/person/day$41.00/person/day

*Charged for everyone eating a full day of meals in dining hall, includes 24-hour beverage access and s'mores for campfires
**Additional fees may apply for non-CBS groups that request additional station support

For a printable pdf copy or our rates, click here.

Fee Details

Rate Categories

Rate categories are determined by relationship to the University, to CBS, and method of payment. Researchers who have approved IBSL research permits are eligible for the Research Affiliates rate.

Station Use Fee

The Station Usage fee is a daily fee charged to all visitors to the station, and is used to support education and research endeavors at the station.

Dining Hall Fees

The Station Dining Hall is open mid-May - end September. If a group requests the dining hall to be opened outside of the regular season, surcharges will apply.

The coffee, tea, & snack fee is charged to everyone eating a full day of meals in the dining hall.

Children under aged 11 - 3 years pay half price; Children under age 3 are free.