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Learn and discover the aspects of the biological bases of animal behavior through the behavioral biology minor at the University of Minnesota. 

Behavioral biology minor

Behavioral biology is the scientific discipline that aims to understand all aspects of the biological bases of animal behavior. These aspects include the causal mechanisms underlying behaviors, changes in behaviors over the animal’s lifetime, the adaptive value of behaviors, and the evolutionary history of behaviors. Disciplines informing the field of behavioral biology include: cell and developmental biology, endocrinology, ecology, economics, evolution, genetics, neuroscience, physiology, and psychology. 

*NOTE: Biology majors are not eligible for this minor due to overlap

To declare the minor, you must take one of these courses: EEB 3411 - Introduction to Animal Behavior, EEB 3412W - Introduction to Animal Behavior, or EEB 3811W - Animal Behavior in the Field 

  • Note these courses have a prerequisite of an intro to biology course such as BIOL 1009/1009H or BIOL 1951/1951H

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Minor requirements >

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Paloma Gonzalez-Bellido I [email protected]