This undergrad leads a CBS Circle exploring what life looks like after graduating with a degree in EEB.
Who are you?
Rachel Berg; Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior major; Junior
Where is your hometown?
Duluth, MN
What CBS circle are you leading this year?
Exploring EEB Careers
Why did you want to lead a group about that topic?
I wanted to facilitate this circle because I too am an Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior major who is questioning my options after college. I believe that I am not alone, and that many other EEB majors are curious about what they can do with their degrees with graduation right around the corner. I wanted to facilitate this group and be able to help my peers initiate action within themselves to discover what they are passionate about doing after they complete their undergraduate studies.
Why did you want to lead a CBS circle?
I have worked for CBS’s Nature of Life program the past two years and became passionate about building community within CBS. I wanted to continue the building of the CBS community into students’ junior and senior years. I felt that a circle would be a great place to facilitate community and connections between CBS students who have similar interests.
What’s been the most interesting aspect of leading a group?
The most interesting aspect about leading a group thus far has been listening to different ideas from all the group members. I find it interesting that people who have similar interests can have different ideas to bring to the group, which ultimately makes the group a success.
What are your career aspirations? Why do you want to go into that field of work?
I am currently interested in becoming a researcher in either the ecology or animal behavior field. I think that it would be interesting to learn how humans are affecting the Earth and its organisms. Ultimately, I would like to become a professor in either of those fields. I want to go into this field of work so I can not only gain new perspectives of the world around me and answer questions, but also be able to teach others what I have learned in the process.