Transitioning from undergrad to alum

Every transition in life brings up big feelings. For some people they are ones of excitement, happiness or eagerness to move on to something new. For others, they are a little less positive.
April 18, 2023

The spring semester is quickly coming to an end, and we want to take the opportunity to congratulate the Class of 2023! We are so proud of you for reaching this incredible milestone. 

Every transition in life brings up big feelings. For some people they are ones of excitement, happiness or eagerness to move on to something new. For others, they are a little less positive. Feelings of stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and sadness are also common and normal emotions to experience! 

You might feel like your attention and to-do list is pulling you in two different directions: finishing the semester and studying for finals while also figuring out what to do after graduating. Whatever it is you’re feeling, remember that everyone you’re graduating with is experiencing this new beginning right along with you. 

Maybe you feel prepared, and maybe you don’t. Regardless of where you land on this spectrum, here are some resources to use as you navigate your next steps:

  • Schedule an appointment with a CBS career coach: If you need assistance with your post-graduation plans, CBS career coaches are here to help! They are available for appointments over the summer and also work with graduates up to two years after graduation. NOTE: Alumni lose access to the online scheduling system after graduating, so alums should call (612-624-9717) or email ( our front desk to schedule an appointment.
  • Browse our online resources: The career section of the CBS website has digital resources to support your career planning. Check out our resume guide, cover letter guide, interview guide, webinar recordings and more. 
  • Use Handshake to search for opportunities: Handshake is a career platform that connects students and alumni to employers and full-time jobs and internships. Activate your account and start searching for opportunities locally, nationally and internationally!
  • Read the Nature of (Alumni) Life Guide: This handbook, created in collaboration with CBS staff, faculty, and alumni, contains resources and advice for job searching, financial wellness, physical/mental well-being, and finding/maintaining community after college. 

Always remember, you only have to do something for the first time once. Take a deep breath. You can do it. Congratulations, Class of 2023! 

–Mary Shannon Bocock