Paloma Gonzalez-Bellido
Office Address

1987 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108
United States



Associate Professor
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior

In the FLYSY laboratory we study the performance of neural systems. Our aim is to understand how fast and accurate responses can be achieved with a limited number of neurons. 

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Selected publications

2017 Wardill T.J., Fabian S.T., Pettigrew A., Nordström K. Gonzalez-Bellido P.T. A Novel interception strategy in a miniature robber fly with extreme visual acuity. Curr Biol. 27, 854-859. 
2015 Wardill TJ, Knowles K, Barlow L, Tapia G, Nordström K, Olberg RM, Gonzalez-Bellido PT. The Killer Fly Hunger Games: Target Size and Speed Predict Decision to Pursuit. Brain Behav Evol. Sep 24;86(1):28-37. 
2013 Gonzalez-Bellido PT, Peng H, Yang J, Georgopoulos AP, Olberg RM. Eight pairs of descending visual neurons in the dragonfly give wing motor centers accurate population vector of prey direction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110: 696-701.

Honors, awards and background

Curriculum Vitae 
Honors and Awards 

  • 2016-2018 Councillor of the Society of Neuroethology 
  • 2013 Cozzarelli Prize (Biological Sciences section) awarded by PNAS editorial board for the most important publication in Biological Sciences in PNAS in 2012. 
  • 2011 Capranica Prize Awarded by the International Society for Neuroethology in recognition of outstanding achievement or future promise in the field of neuroethology. 
  • 2009 Young Scientist Award (1st Prize) by the Society of Experimental Biology. Annual meeting for the Society of Experimental Biology, Glasgow. 
  • 2006 Ph.D Scholarship. University of Sheffield.