Installing Origin

Origin is provided to CBS Faculty and Staff and this guide is only intended for use by CBS employees. This can be installed on University owned devices and faculty may install this on one personal device.

In order to run this software, you will either need to be on campus connected to the network or while off campus, you must use VPN. This software is not available for MacOS systems unless it is running Windows in some way (Virtualbox, Bootcamp, etc.)

Request License

Before you begin, request access to the Origin Activation Key Google Document. (CBS Faculty and Staff Only) Please only request access to the license document one time. Your status will be verified prior to access and typically happens within one business day.

You will need to run the setup file as an Administrator. This can be obtained by using MakeMeAdmin or contacting 1-help (612-301-4357) and requesting temporary administrative access to install Origin. 

Download Origin

  1. Open an Internet Browser (Chrome,Edge,Firefox) and navigate to
  2. Select Support, under Downloads choose Origin Trial.
  3. Choose "I own Origin. I just want to download latest version installation files" and "Academic (Faculty, Postdoc, Staff)"
  4. Select Continue
  5. Create an Origin Account using your email or login in with your existing Origin Web Account.
  6. Select Continue to Download Trial

Install Origin

  1. Launch the Origin install/setup file you downloaded.
  2. Follow the installation instructions.
  3. When a serial number is needed during installation, use the license serial number you previously requested.
  4. The first time you start Origin after installation, you will be asked for a FLEXIm license server. Use the license server listed in the previously requested document. TCP/IP port can usually be left blank, but use 27000 if needed.