Windows Terminal Services (WTS) allows users to access and utilize specialized software from any computer connected to the University network or VPN, without downloading the software to your computer.
WTS Updates:
CBS partners with CLA to host WTS. CLA has made changes and adjusted how to connect to WTS. Please see below for more information and details.
What you need to know before using Windows Terminal Services
Data storage
All files must be saved to your network drive (Not the C: drive!) or elsewhere such as an external flash or hard drive to be saved safely and permanently. Data that is left in the profile you are given at login may remain there for several sessions, however, storage is not guaranteed. You may have to map the network drive manually to access your home and group folders through Windows Terminal Services. If you are unsure how to map the network drive, please see our guide on connecting to the network drive.
At this time, software on the system can be run by anyone who has access to it. Eventually, however, permission to run software may be restricted to those who who have a valid software license.
Software Available through WTS
- AlleleA1
- AnacondaCE
- ApE
- ArcGIS
- Foldit
- IBM SPSS Statistics
- Microsoft Office
- NVivo Plus
- NX Client for Windows
- Origin
- Populus
- R
- SolidWorks 2012
- Stata 12
- TIBCO Spotfire
- WinSCP
- Wolfram Mathematica
... and more
If you would like to request additional software be installed, please email
Connecting to Windows Terminal Services (WTS)
WTS has been moved to AppsToGo. This is the University's Citrix environment and is used in several courses and by several departments.
You can access it by going to Newly available is the "Citrix Light" client where access is provided right from your web browser and no additional software installation is needed. For those that prefer a client, instructions for installing the Citrix Workspace client are here.
When you access WTS through AppsToGo, you will do so by clicking on 'Desktops' and then choose the icon named CLA Research by LATIS - WTS.
For more information from CLA/LATIS, please see their transition site.
CLA also provides additional information on WTS and how it can be used.
Please contact with any questions about access.