Pletcher Fellowship

The Carol H. and Wayne A. Pletcher Graduate Fellowship awards are supported by an endowment established through a generous contribution from Carol H. and Wayne A. Pletcher. The intent of the fellowship is to “support a graduate student pursuing Ph.D. research in the College of Biological Sciences.” Awards will be given directly to students and are intended to supplement, not replace, other funding.

Drs. Carol H. and Wayne A. Pletcher have been solid supporters of the University of Minnesota for many years. Carol Pletcher received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Minnesota in 1979. Carol served on the College of Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Alumni Society (BSAS) for several years and also represented BSAS on the University of Minnesota Alumni Board. She served as a senior research scientist for many years prior to becoming the Chief of Cargill’s Corporate Quality Office. Wayne Pletcher was affiliated with 3M. CBS article about Dr. Carol H. Pletcher.

The call for applications typically goes out in October. Check back in fall 2024 for details.


To be eligible, you must be a current Ph.D. student in a CBS graduate program. You must also demonstrate financial need. International students are eligible to apply. Past applicants are eligible to apply again. Past recipients are not eligible to apply.


A faculty committee representing the CBS graduate programs, appointed and chaired by the associate dean for graduate students and postdocs, will review and select the recipients.

Review criteria

Personal statement

  • Clearly articulated research plans and accomplishments.
  • Demonstrated individual initiative in research and pursuing career goals.
  • Research progress that meets or exceeds expected progress for the stage in their graduate program.
  • Financial need (whether personal or research or both) is clearly described.
    • Personal need: For situations of personal financial needs, higher priority will be given to students who have a significant, unique issue particular to them.
    • Research funding: For research funding requests, higher priority will be given to students who develop projects independent of their advisor’s primary research and who thus must find money to fund their research.
    • Training courses: Advanced training courses in the student's field of study that would enhance their research training and provide them with unique opportunities to acquire skills, exposure to the latest advances in their research area and provide network building opportunities.
    • Conference travel funding: Requests for funding to attend conferences, professional meetings, or career development opportunities will receive the lowest priority and will be considered only when such travel would be a transformational and unique experience for the student.

Letters of support

  • Student is prepared and has demonstrated individual initiative in research and pursuing career goals.
  • Student has made research progress that meets or exceeds expected progress for the stage in their graduate program.
  • Letters of support are enthusiastic and clearly state student’s fit for the Pletcher Fellowship, including their financial need.