Graduate student safety net

CBS is committed to ensuring a safe and supportive working environment for all of our graduate students. Whenever a CBS graduate student is having issues with their advisor, they are encouraged to contact either their DGS, the Associate Dean for Graduate Education, or their Department Head, to discuss options for resolution. In cases of Title IX violations, CBS will be required to report to EOAA. When possible, EOAA will work with the complainant to come up with a solution to address the problem in a way that suits their wishes, although ultimately the Title IX office or its designee will assess whether the report should be handled through an informal resolution process or a formal investigation process. While an investigation is ongoing, the College will consider and provide any reasonable accommodations to support the graduate student in their work, while recognizing that the advisor is entitled to due process. Because each case is unique, and because a suitable solution can depend on many factors including the particular stage at which the graduate student is in their program, the exact nature of the violation, and a variety of other factors, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

In the event that EOAA finds that a graduate student’s advisor has violated University policy, the College commits to providing support for the affected student(s). This support will aim to: 1) minimize disruption to the career progression of the graduate student, 2) provide a source of funding to bring the work to a reasonable completion, and 3) identify replacement mentors to assist with completion of the degree, provide letters of recommendation and serve other advisory roles.

Because CBS HR, the Dean, and the Associate Dean for Graduate Education will be fully informed of any ongoing EOAA investigations, we will work proactively with the affected researchers to develop the most appropriate safety net for the given situation. For situations not rising to the level of a formal investigation, the College and CBS graduate programs are committed to working with the affected graduate student and advisor to resolve the situation as quickly and effectively as possible.