Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)

Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) are intense, highly focused research experiences that usually occur over 10-12 weeks during summer months. These programs are usually national, with locations all over the country, and provide additional professional development training in addition to full-time research and mentorship in a scientific lab. Participating in a summer REU is a great opportunity to network with peers and faculty across the country, dive deeper into an area of interest, or explore a new topic of interest that you might not have time to commit to during the academic year.

Plan early! Most summer REU deadlines occur between December-February.

Finding summer REUs:

The number of REUs available can be a little overwhelming, but there are a couple great places to start your search:

Many schools and programs also provide their own lists of REUs:

Looking for additional assistance finding a summer REU or preparing and submitting an application? Check out the CBS Summer REU Information Session PowerPoint.