CBS BioScience Speed Networking Event

April 22, 2021


Are you actively looking for a job or internship? Get support! Join the CBS Career Team for our fourth annual employer networking event created for students ready to join the bioscience industry. This is a unique opportunity to network with science employers, learn about internship or full-time opportunities, and learn more about careers in the biological sciences.

Event Details

  • Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

  • 1 - 2:30 p.m. CST

  • Register*

*Hosted virtually via Zoom

What is speed networking?

For this virtual event, you’ll be rotated through breakout rooms with employers in the biological sciences. You’ll be in small groups where you can ask questions about career exploration, internships or full-time positions, and advice for CBS grads. You will also have the chance to introduce yourself and talk about your experience or what you’re looking for. At the end of the event, there will be open networking time to meet with employers you’d like to connect with further.

Why should I attend?

  • Practice your professional introduction, talking about your experiences, asking questions, and following up with employers
  • Connect with employers specifically looking to hire students in the biological sciences
  • Learn about career paths in the biological sciences
  • Gain experience and confidence having a conversation with a professional you don’t know before you have to do it for a job interview or career fair
  • Learn about companies you could work for so you know where to look when you’re ready to apply for a job or internship
  • Learn more specific information about what a company does to increase your understanding of what industry science is or options with a bachelor’s degree
  • Build relationships so if/when you apply for a position at a company you can reach out to that person for advice or mention your interaction in application materials