College news

A new tool to study cell movement promises to advance cancer research

A team of U of M researchers' research has led to a new laboratory test to measure cell mechanotypes quickly and easily.

Darwin’s imperiled finches

A CBS alum researches an invasive parasite afflicting rare and threatened birds in the Galápagos.

Dean's note - May 2023

A monthly message from the dean

The Trumpet biocomputing platform heralds a new path for medicine

A team of researchers at the University of Minnesota has developed a platform for a third method of biocomputing: Trumpet, or Transcriptional RNA Universal Multi-Purpose GatE PlaTform.

A natural observer

Jennifer Powers uses art as an avenue to observe nature closely and capture details about the plants and animals she encounters in the field.

Building connections between cultures

PMB graduate student Ariadna Mondragón Botero recognized for outstanding contributions to international education

Inclusive authorship reduces barriers to participation

Experience running a global-scale ecological research network informs an innovative authorship framework.

An untangled loop

Protein engineers discover an improved target for new drug discovery.

Portraits of plots

Don Luce brings Big Bio to the canvas at Cedar Creek.

Research brief: Jewel beetles evolve to see new colors by duplicating their genes

Camilla Sharkey, a postdoc in Trevor Wardill's lab, investigated the complex evolutionary history of jewel beetles’ vision.