Research Brief | U of M researchers find as planet warms, the world's lakes are losing oxygen rapidly

Research Brief | Frog species’ lungs act like noise-cancelling headphones when zeroing in on a mate

Taking the long view

With $7.1 million, the University of Minnesota and partners to launch a long-term program to study urban nature in the Twin Cities

Ruth Shaw Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Canopies for communities and chimps

Researchers summarize 60 years of collaborative work in and around Gombe National Park, efforts to support local communities and protect ailing chimpanzee populations.

All eyes to nature for novel solutions

When the pandemic upended education, one faculty member used it as a teachable moment by asking students to look to biology for solutions.

Tropical dry forest in the spotlight

News release: Earth's wild grazers can’t keep up with the effects of nutrient pollution

Teaching ecology and evolution online

Three CBS faculty members named AAAS fellows