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Students conducting research at Itasca

Spring 2023 BIO

Nature of Life turns 20, groundbreaking discoveries and more!

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Fungi are inextricably linked with death and decay. With microscopic filaments called hyphae that grow…
Engaging the public isn’t unusual for scientists, but few can say they’ve been guest lecturer at a fashion…
Not many love stories start with a sink full of dishes, but that’s where David (Ph.D. Entomology, ’76) and…
Costa Rica is a second home for Jennifer Powers. The plant and microbial biology professor’s ties to the…
Peter Winslow, a Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics graduate student won the first place CBS…
For the third year in a row, the University of Minnesota was ranked in the top three globally and number one…
The subalpine fir has a mutualistic relationship with belowground fungi. Credit: Khilav Majmudar, University…
In late September, Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve welcomed supporters and guests to celebrate the…
Advanced Telemetry Systems co-founder Richard Huempfner knows a few things about entering uncharted territory…