CBS people: Tori Lafky

The Departmental Administrator for GCD brings her experience in CBS and the University to her new role.
December 05, 2023
Headshot of Tori Lafky

How long have you been in your role and what drew you to this position in CBS?
I've been in my current role with the Genetics, Cell Biology and Development department since the start of October, so it's nice to have the first couple of months under my belt. I was drawn to this position by the opportunity to work closely with faculty doing groundbreaking research, as well as connect with fellows who will go on to advance the fields of genetics and cell biology even further. As a CBS alum, I was also excited to work with some familiar faces once again!

You've worked in other positions both in CBS and the University. What did those entail and how did they help prep you for your current role?
I've been working with CBS in several different capacities since I was an undergraduate student in the college, but my first full-time position was doing administrative work at the CBS Admin Cluster in St. Paul. That position, along with the roles I held as a student, taught me much about the world of academia and gave me experience providing administrative support to many different constituents. I also worked as a Volunteer Coordinator at The Raptor Center, which furthered my experience in hosting events, leading projects, and managing teams.

What's something unique about your job that you enjoy?
I really enjoy the variety of my position. There are always new challenges and learning opportunities popping up, and being a bit of a "jack of all trades" is something I've found fulfilling in positions in the past. It's always rewarding being able to solve a problem that's been causing someone trouble!

What things do you enjoy doing outside of work?
When the weather is good, I love spending time outdoors - hiking, playing tennis, stargazing, and boating on the river are my go-to favorites. When I'm stuck indoors, I enjoy game nights, making artwork (usually watercolor or digital illustrations), reading, and baking. I love animals but don't currently have pets of my own, so I get my fix by volunteering weekly at a local cat shelter and in the clinic at The Raptor Center.