College news

Come see us at the State Fair!

Check out the schedule and come visit CBS at the Great Minnesota Get-Together.

Bioeconomy or bust

A group of scientists finalize the framework to design the first engineered cell.

An ecological underdog

Mariana Cardenas conducts research on lichens, mosses and cyanobacteria in Cedar Creek’s long-term experiments.

Building a baseline for inclusive teaching

Five CBS graduate students share their takeaways from the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project.

Six students recognized with 2024 TA awards

CBS recognizes teaching assistants making a lasting impact in the classroom.

Research brief: Minnesota’s invasive tansy spread impacted by land use

Researchers look into reasons behind spread of Tanacetum vulgare

Research brief: Lichen partnerships challenged by changes in the Northwoods

Researchers explore the impact of climate change on lichen.

A legacy of excellence

As David Bernlohr prepares to retire after four decades, his impact as a leader, researcher and educator continue to reverberate.

Testing the waters

College of Biological Science researchers are developing new approaches that promise to reduce industrial pollution and contamination in our water systems.

Following up with Cedar Creek's fishers

Wildlife biologist Michael Joyce investigates the population dynamics and habitat use of a Minnesota predator belonging to the weasel family.