College news

Putting the humans in healthcare

CBS alum Tseganesh Selameab is working at the leading edge of a movement to center people and community in medicine.

The technicolor world of life after glaciers

Mariana Cardenas investigates the lichens adapting to South America’s mountain summits.

All in good cheer

The annual Golden Pipettes ceremony recognized 10 CBS faculty and staff members for their contributions to student life.

A science-centered getaway

Qianna Xu walks away from a week-long ecology workshop in Japan with a new network and a fresh perspective.

Coming to conclusions

More than 100 CBS students' research projects were on full display at this year's Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Making the case for inclusion

A recent commentary charts a course for acknowledging past wrongs and addressing present obstacles for transgender scientists.

All together now

For Eric Seabloom, science is a team activity with players hailing from around the world.

Well, well, wetlands

Amy Kendig gleans insight about Minnesota’s abundant wetland ecosystems in the pristine habitats of Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve.

A first-hand look at field biology

Cedar Creek partners with the University's CORE Program to engage with students and families often underrepresented in STEM.

Not your garden variety garden

Cedar Creek to launch an education and research garden this spring showcasing the biodiversity of the local plant community.