Sarah Hobbie
Phone Numbers
Office Address

1987 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108
United States



Regents Professor; Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior

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Research statement

I am broadly interested in all areas of ecosystem ecology. My research addresses: (1) the influence of changes in atmospheric composition, element cycling, and climate on ecosystem processes; (2) the effects of urbanization and suburbanization on biogeochemical cycles; and (3) the influence of diversity, especially plant species composition, on biogeochemical processes. In the area of global change, I aim to understand how human effects on global nutrient cycles affect carbon cycling and how variation in biodiversity, atmospheric carbon dioxide, nitrogen inputs, warming, and precipitation influence forest and grassland ecosystems. In the area of urban ecology, I am studying quantifying sources of nutrient pollutants to surface waters and patterns of biodiversity.

Education and background

Ph.D., University of California - Berkeley, 1995

Additional Links

Research Web Site