GRAD 999

GRAD 999 is a zero-credit, zero-tuition registration option intended for graduate students who have completed all coursework and (if applicable) thesis credit requirements, and who must maintain registration to meet the registration requirement. GRAD 999 enrollment serves only to maintain active student status. Students with GRAD 999 enrollment are not eligible for financial aid, and this status cannot be used for student loan deferment. Students may not hold graduate assistantships while enrolled in GRAD 999. Find more information on how GRAD 999 may affect you: Special registration categories for graduate and professional students

International students requesting to take GRAD 999: Please consult with ISSS prior to submitting this form.


  • Master’s students may register for GRAD 999 once (one semester) without requesting college permission.
  • Doctoral students may register for GRAD 999 twice (two semesters) without requesting college permission.

For these initial GRAD 999 registrations, consult with your graduate program coordinator for access to register for GRAD 999.

Additional GRAD 999 semesters

To receive permission to register for GRAD 999 beyond these limits, you must submit the GRAD 999 Registration Request form and document the circumstances which necessitate additional semesters of GRAD 999 registration. GRAD 999 registration is not guaranteed in a given semester until final approval from the CBS Associate Dean has been received. 

Permission to register for additional semesters of GRAD 999 is only considered if you meet all of the following:

  1. You are an active student in a CBS graduate program;
  2. You have taken all required coursework, including thesis credits, but have not yet finished the thesis; and
  3. You have established a written plan for degree completion that is supported by your faculty advisor, graduate committee, and director of graduate studies.

Submission deadlines (to request additional semesters of GRAD 999 registration)

  • Fall semester—August 15
  • Spring semester—December 15

Submit the GRAD 999 Registration Request form and your written plan to CBS College Coordinator for Graduate Programs (Sara Eliason,

The CBS Associate Dean will review the request and email you about the outcome or request further information. Please plan accordingly, as the review process can take up to two weeks from the time of submission, and late registration fees will be applied if you have not registered by the first day of classes.

Approval of your request does not automatically register you for GRAD 999. You must still log
in to MyU and register for this option, as you would for any other course.