Current PMB graduate students
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Elena Ayala ()
first semester in PMB: fall 2022
research interests: Competence induction and regulation in archaea
study system: Methanococcus maripaludis

Daniel Bacher ()
advisor(s): Jerry Cohen and Adrian Hegeman
first semester in PMB: fall 2023
research interests: Plant cell and molecular biology, metabolomics and proteomics, enzymology
study system: monocots (corn, rice)

Aiym Bakytbaikyzy ()
advisor(s): Jonathan Schilling
first semester in PMB: fall 2022
research interests: Fungal and bacterial ecology in decaying wood
study system: Fomitopsis betulina brown rot fungus decaying birch

Anahi Cantoran (
advisor(s): Peter Kennedy
first semester in PMB: fall 2021
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Alexandra Crum (
advisor(s): Ya Yang
first semester in PMB: fall 2019
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Leslie Day (
advisor(s): Kyle Costa
first semester in PMB: fall 2019
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Rebecca Fudge (

advisor(s): Julie Grossman
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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Emily Hanson (
advisor(s): Kyle Costa
first semester in PMB: fall 2021
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Aidan Harrington (
advisor(s): Dave Moeller
first semester in PMB: fall 2021
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Katie Hillman (
advisor(s): Tom Niehaus
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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Brooke Kern (
advisor(s): Dave Moeller
first semester in PMB: fall 2019
research interests:
study system: Clarkia xantiana

Aaron Lee (
advisor(s): Ya Yang
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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Nathan Lewis (
first semester in PMB: fall 2019
research interests: understanding electron transfer to nitrogenase in Rhodopseudomonas palustris
study system: Rhodopseudomonas palustris

Viviana Londoño (
advisor(s): Peter Morrell
first semester in PMB: fall 2017
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Evin Magner (
advisor(s): Clay Carter
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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Claire Menard (
advisor(s): Candice Hirsch
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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Talia Michaud (
advisor(s): Peter Kennedy
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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Rebekah Mohn (
advisor(s): Ya Yang
first semester in PMB: fall 2017
research interests: plant phylogenetics and chromosome evolution
study system: Drosera, Droseraceae

Ariadna Mondragon (
advisor(s): Jennifer Powers
first semester in PMB: fall 2018
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Taylor Price (
advisor(s): Trinity Hamilton
first semester in PMB: fall 2019
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Angela Ricono (
advisor(s): Katie Greenham
first semester in PMB: fall 2019
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Lucy Schroeder (
advisor(s): Jeannine Cavender-Bares
first semester in PMB: fall 2019
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Clair Wootan (
advisor(s): Nathan Springer and Feng Zhang
first semester in PMB: fall 2021
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Shen Zhang (
advisor(s): Min Ni
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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Anthony Zmuda (
advisor(s): Jannell Bazurto/Tom Niehaus
first semester in PMB: fall 2020
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