
A new tool to study cell movement promises to advance cancer research

A team of U of M researchers' research has led to a new laboratory test to measure cell mechanotypes quickly and easily.

Darwin’s imperiled finches

A CBS alum researches an invasive parasite afflicting rare and threatened birds in the Galápagos.

The Trumpet biocomputing platform heralds a new path for medicine

A team of researchers at the University of Minnesota has developed a platform for a third method of biocomputing: Trumpet, or Transcriptional RNA Universal Multi-Purpose GatE PlaTform.

Inclusive authorship reduces barriers to participation

Experience running a global-scale ecological research network informs an innovative authorship framework.

Getting to the bottom of spine cancer

Yasuhiko Kawakami and colleagues aim to better understand the disease and open the door to new and more effective treatments.

Formin connections to human health

GCD associate professor Naomi Courtemanche uses her background in biophysics to explore how formins relate to health and disease.

Lining up answers to an age-old mystery

Maureen Cetera aims to understand how cells coordinate in developing organisms.

Making cancer treatment more personal

GCD Professor Brian Van Ness has spent his career moving us toward more individualized cancer treatment based on genetics.

From Lab to Life

Novel gene therapy approach restores immunity in severely immune deficient children.

Diverse perspectives on biodiversity

Global survey reveals that more species are threatened with extinction than previously thought.