2024 CBS award winners announced

College announces winners of the John S. Anderson Leadership Award and the Stanley Dagley-Samuel Kirkwood Undergraduate Education Award.
June 03, 2024

The College of Biological Sciences recently announced its 2024 award winners for the John S. Anderson Leadership Award and the Stanley Dagley-Samuel Kirkwood Undergraduate Education Award. The former recognizes the exceptional contributions of faculty and staff to their department as well as the college. The latter recognizes exceptional faculty contributions to undergraduate education. Congratulations to this year's winners!

John S. Anderson Leadership Award 

Mark Bee, Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
In addition to his many contributions as a researcher and educator, Dr. Bee has provided extraordinary service and leadership to the College and the University in his role as chair of the Faculty Consultative Committee. He has been an effective advocate for faculty and staff, raising the visibility of compensation and other concerns.

Tamar Resnick, Teaching Associate Professor, Biology Teaching and Learning
Dr. Resnick is a dedicated educator who cares deeply about providing the very best experience for CBS students. In addition to introducing innovations in her own courses, she has played a key role in developing content areas in collaboration with her fellow directors of undergraduate studies, providing students with more choice and access to courses within their major earlier. 

Stanley Dagley-Samuel Kirkwood Undergraduate Education Award

Yaniv Brandvain, Associate Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology 
Dr. Brandvain has gone above and beyond to help students develop, in his words, a “data-driven understanding of the world” through his applied biostatistics course. He goes out of his way to be available and has developed materials to support student learning in the course. He consistently receives glowing reviews from his students, who note his high level of commitment, his accessibility and his enthusiasm for the subject matter. 

Emilie Snell-Rood, Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
Dr. Snell-Rood is an outstanding and innovative educator whose large-enrollment, writing intensive Animal Behavior course invites students to take the lead in applying what they are learning to address real-world problems. In addition, she  encourages students to participate in research and has worked with dozens of undergraduates in her own lab.