An Award-Winning Educator

December 10, 2020

Ann Rougvie
Dr. Ann Rougvie, professor of Genetics, Cell biology & Development, has been an outstanding contributor to undergraduate education in the College of Biological Sciences for nearly three decades. CBS recently awarded her the Stanley Dagley-Samuel Kirkwood Undergraduate Education Award in 2020 for exceptional contributions to undergraduate education in CBS.

Dr. Rougvie teaches three courses at the University: Biology 1101 (Genetics and Society); Genetics, Cell Biology and Development 4161 (Developmental Biology) and  Genetics, Cell Biology and Development 4025 (Cell and Developmental Biology Lab). Here are what some of her students said about her teaching impact in her nomination form

  • “Dr. Rougvie was an engaging lecturer who presented the foundations of developmental biology in a clear and concise manner. She regularly incorporated examples from recent research in order to highlight how what we learned applied to the current field of developmental biology. Of all the professors I have had, Dr. Rougvie struck the best balance between” 
  • “Not only did Dr. Rougvie have a thorough knowledge of the material she taught, but she demonstrated a keen insight into how to impart this information to an ~100 student class, which is no easy feat.”  
  • "One of the most important lessons I learned from Dr. Rougvie was the potential for great mentorship between professor and student, and that it is okay to reach out for help when you are struggling. This has changed the way I have approached my education and I know this lesson will follow me throughout life.” 

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Rougvie has been named the GCD Faculty Marshall at the College’s commencement ceremony from 2016-2019 and has received numerous Golden Pipette Award nominations over the years from undergraduates in CBS.  Outside the classroom, Dr. Rougvie has mentored over 46 undergraduates in research projects in her lab, several of whom have gone onto professional schools, graduate school, and careers in research and or teaching.