Cavender-Bares Lab People


Managing Director ASCEND--Advancing Spectral biology in Changing ENvironments to understand Diversity:

Brett Fredericksen

Lab and data manager: Juan Ramírez Lerma

Lab technicians: Allison Scott

Lab phone: 612-624-6951

Postdoctoral associates/Research Scientists


 Antonio Guzmán Quesada

Mapping temperate forests and their stresses 

Mariana Hernandez Leal

Steven Augustine



Vinicius Marcilio da Silva

Functional biology and remote sensing of tree diversity in the urban landscape

 Brett Fredericksen

Using spectral biology to link genes to function


Ph.D. students



 Lucy Schroeder
climate adaptation of trees, plasticity, spectral biology


 Maria Park
forest diversity, soil processes, ecophysiology, remote sensing, art-based science communication

Laura Ostrowsky

Adaptive differentiation in physiology and function among tree populations; forest ecology 

 Sally Donovan
linking above and belowground function in urban forests

Former Students and Postdocs



 Gerard Sapes
Post Doc 2018-2021
Accurate detection of oak wilt



 Clarissa Fontes
Post Doc 2018-2021
Ecophysiological variation with habitat
and climate in global oaks

Jesus Pinto-Ledezma


Shan Kothari

Ph.D. 2020



 Jen Teshera-Levye

PhD 2019, Post Doc 2020



 Josep Padulles

Post Doc 2017-2019



 Laura Williams



 Jose Eduardo Meireles

Post Doc 2014-2018


 Jake Grossman

PhD 2017


  Beth Fallon
PhD 2017
Post Doc 2017-2019


Anna Schweiger
Post Doc 2014-2018



Nick Deacon

Post Doc 2015-2017


Alyson Center

PhD, 2015

Matthew Kaproth

Post Doc, 2013-2016


Will Pearse


  Will Pearse

Post Doc, 2012-2014


   Jose Ramírez-Valiente

Post Doc, 2012-2015



 Jessica Savage

PhD, 2010; Post Doc, 2010



 Xiaojing Wei

PhD, 2014



 Paul Gugger

PhD, 2010



Gina Quiram

PhD, 2013



 Antonio Gonzalez-Rodriguez

Post Doc, 2005-2006



 Jeffrey Klemens

Post Doc, 2004-2006



 Nick Deacon

PhD, 2009

Former Visiting Scholars


Associate Prof. Wei Wang, Peking University, Soil and microbial ecology


Prof. Wei Wang

Visiting Ph.D. student


PhD Student Vinicius Marcilio da Silva


Community Assembly, diversity and ecosystem service trade-offs in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil.







Visiting PhD 2013 


Mariana Alvarez Anorve

Plant ecophysiology


Mariana Anorve