
Glazebrook Lab


Jane Glazebrook


Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
University of Minnesota
1500 Gortner Avenue
Room 324 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics
St. Paul, MN 55108

Office: 324 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics
Phone: 612-624-5194
E-mail: [email protected]


Gerit Bethke

Research Associate

Office: 340 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


Man Zhou

Post-Doctoral Associate

Office: 350 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


You Lu

Post-Doctoral Associate

Office: 340 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


Amanda Thao

Junior Scientist

Office: 350 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


Zhi Li

Visiting Student

Office: 350 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


Undergraduate Student

Meghan Lindstrom

Molly Lindstrom


Katagiri Lab


Fumiaki Katagiri


Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
University of Minnesota
326 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics
1500 Gortner Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Office: 326 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics Phone: 612-624-5195 Fax: 612-624-6264 E-mail: [email protected]


Noriyuki Hatsugai

Post-Doctoral Associate

Office: 340 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


Keisuke Mase

Post-Doctoral Associate

Office: 340 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


Rachel Hillmer

Graduate Student

Office: 350 Cargill Center for Microbial and Plant Genomics E-mail: [email protected]


Undergraduate Student

Matthew Papke