Contact the Thomas lab
Mailing Address:

David D. Thomas
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics
University of Minnesota
6-155 Jackson Hall
321 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455


5-290 Nils Hasselmo Hall
312 Church Street
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Building location

Wet Lab Phone: (612) 626-3322 
Computer Room Phone: (612) 626-0113
Fax: (612) 624-0632

David D. Thomas

Principal Investigator and Group Leader
5-124 Nils Hasselmo Hall (office)
(612) 625-0957 (voicemail)

Sarah Blakely

Lab Manager
5-101C Nils Hasselmo Hall
(612) 624-9918 (voicemail)

James Priest

Lab Coordinator
5-101F Nils Hasselmo Hall
(612) 626-3393 (voicemail)