
2660 Fawn Lake Drive NE 
East Bethel, Minnesota 55005-9718

For general comments or questions

Dr. Caitlin Barale Potter
Associate Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-301-2601

For questions about LTER research at Cedar Creek

Dr. Eric Seabloom
LTER Lead Investigator
Email: [email protected]

For questions about non-LTER research at Cedar Creek

Dr. Maowei Liang
Site Research Scientist
Email: Email: [email protected]

For questions about education and community engagement

Dr. Kara Baldwin
Education and Community Engagement Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-301-2602

For questions about facilities and site access

Jim Krueger
Building and Grounds Supervisor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-301-2608
Fax: 612-301-2626

Meet Cedar Creek's leadership