Scientist Spotlights

Cedar Creek has been a place of scientific exploration and discovery for a wide array of scientists throughout its history. While some of these scientists have made a name for themselves in the global network of biology, others have remained lesser known. This page is part of an ongoing project (initially started by summer interns Josie Meyer and Dominic Laudenbach under the mentorship of Dr. Nicole Kollars) to highlight individuals of diverse backgrounds and identities who have asked and answered scientific questions here at Cedar Creek. Inspired by the Scientist Spotlights Initiative, we hope to provide representative images of scientists to increase the sense of belonging in our community. Click on the images below to learn more about those who have contributed to our ever evolving knowledge of the natural world!

a black and white picture of a white woman in a beret smiling
Martha E. Crone








Suggest a Spotlight:

If you know of a scientist who has spent time at Cedar Creek that should be included on this page, please fill out this form. You can also nominate yourself! Summer interns may be assigned to this project in the future and would appreciate your suggestions!