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Annual resource request and research plan

Prior to sampling each year, any investigator planning to conduct research at Cedar Creek must submit a safety plan, confirm receipt of our orientation packet, and complete a Resource Request and Research Plan form if needed. These will be emailed to all researchers who have an approved research proposal.

Site usage fees

As at most field stations, fees for housing, lab/office space, and research projects are an essential part of Cedar Creek’s budget. They make it possible for us to keep our roads, buildings, infrastructure and shared equipment in functional condition, and to continue to offer the research and logistical support our community relies on. Granting agencies regularly approve the payment of these types of site use fees. To account for other contributions to overhead, user fall into one of three fee categories: Internal (College of Biological Sciences projects, LTER projects, Cedar Creek staff/interns/technicians), Affiliates (external collaborators on internal projects, State agencies, non-CBS UMN projects), and External (projects funded and run fully through other institutions). Current fees are here and updated annually.

Cedar Creek is also committed to supporting a diversity of users to access the station, regardless of their funding situation. We do not want use fees to be a barrier, particularly for early-career scientists, community members, independent researchers and users from populations historically underrepresented in the sciences. If you need information on a fee waiver or subsidy, please contact Associate Director Dr. Caitlin Barale Potter.

Site access

To improve security and safety and to provide Cedar Creek with valuable information on site usage, personal are required to check in before going to any field site. Please check in online.

Any car parked on or adjacent to Cedar Creek property (excluding parking areas on the main Cedar Creek campus) must display a Cedar Creek access and parking permit. You will be issued permits when you confirm your receipt of the annual orientation packet. Vehicles without a permit displayed may be towed at the owner's expense.

Most areas require a gate key to access. Keys may be checked out for daily or seasonal use. Please contact the Operations Associate Lydia Winkler to arrange access to gate keys.

Human and animal subjects

Human subjects

All research at Cedar Creek involving human subjects must conform to the policies laid out by the University of Minnesota's Institutional Review Board. We must have a copy of your IRB paperwork on file before you begin work.

Animal subjects

All research at Cedar Creek involving animal subjects must conform to the policies laid out by the University of Minnesota's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). We must have a copy of your IACUC paperwork on file before you begin work.

Project completion

Researchers are responsible for removing all infrastructure (e.g. flagging, stakes, signage, fencing, rebar, conduit, buckets, etc) when their project is completed. If Reserve staff need to clean up your experiment, you will be charged for their labor and supplies! If you have questions about closing our your project, or if you are planning to close our your project in the current year, please reach out to Kally Worm ([email protected]).