Research interests
I am interested in developing new analytical methods and tools to improve biomedical research at the single organelle level and at the protein level. I am working to apply these methods to characterize phenotypes found in altered autophagy and degenerative diseases.
Why the U of M?
When applying to graduate school, I had a diverse scientific background and set of interests. I wanted to attend a large research institution where I could find what I was truly passionate about, and the U of M was just that. I visited the U of M during the summer before I applied, and was really impressed with the faculty, students, and research environment. The U of M is also one of only two schools in the Big Ten located in an urban center.
What am I doing right now?
Currently, I am focused on two projects. The first is to develop a method for immunolabeling of autophagy organelles for analysis by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescent detection. This method will allow for individual autophagy-related organelle analysis in both cells in culture and muscle tissue. The second is to develop a method to profile prenylated proteins in autophagy altered cell culture models. To pursue this goal, I am developing a method using metabolic labeling with alkyne containing isoprenoid analogs, click chemistry enrichment, and SILAC quantitative proteomics.
Plans after graduate school?
Once I finish graduate school, I will seek a research position in industry or at a government agency. I would like to continue with bioanalytical technology development. I am also interested in technology transfer and intellectual property work.
Fun fact:
I participated in the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) for the first time this summer. As a part of Team No Rules, I rode 245 miles in 5 days!