Graduate students

An ecological underdog

Mariana Cardenas conducts research on lichens, mosses and cyanobacteria in Cedar Creek’s long-term experiments.

Cutting through scientific red herrings

Graduate student Siddhant Pusdekar will hone his science communication skills this summer with the support of a AAAS science journalism fellowship.

A tipping point

The future of above-ground carbon hangs in the balance between two types of wood-rotting fungi.

The technicolor world of life after glaciers

Mariana Cardenas investigates the lichens adapting to South America’s mountain summits.

Looking to the future

The investigation of a protein linked to a worse cancer prognosis could pave a way forward for improved cancer treatments.

A new evolutionary frontier

Maria Kalambokidis takes on the daunting task of re-framing the study of the origins of life.

The dark side of colored nectars

Evin Magner analyzes the black nectar of Melianthus minor.

What dead fungi can teach us about life

Postdoctoral researcher Katilyn Beidler investigates the role of fungal necromass in carbon cycling.

Fashion and fact

Coral reef ecology and high fashion converge for EEB doctoral student Rachael Kaspar.

Science and the Cities

A look at work in progress at one of the only urban long-term ecological research programs in the country.